
Details for Donation (Mandir)

08/02/2015 14:14
Friends, This is to let you know that the details for making donation to our temple (mandir) being built in the society are now avaialble on this website. You can directly go through this link "Make Donation". Alternatively you can go to temple page, and from there you can either use the sub-page,...

Suggestions to dog owners

29/11/2014 14:00
This is the list of suggestions I just submitted to RWA ................. We would like to suggest all dog owners that prevention is better than cure, so please be mindful of a few things which a ‘responsible’ pet owner can follow while using the lift with their pet, this will surely avoid any kind...

Temple website added

20/11/2014 17:33
Dear Friends, This is to inform you about the addition of a new page into this website...... Temple. It is a separate website headed by a separate committee of members (non RWA members), you can find a "Temple (mandir) committee" link to open the website in a separate window. We have integrated a...

Activity Updates

27/11/2012 11:17
Friends, Refer to "Downloads" section to find Updates regarding ongoing/planned activities.

Using Google Analytics.

03/11/2012 17:41
This is to let u know that this website is now using Google Analytics, which means that now we can get details about visitors on this website. We assure that none of these details will be misused, these details will help us provide better contents to all of u. Happy Surfing. :)

Visitors notice

18/10/2012 08:16
You can use RSS feeds to get new articles directly.

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Page updated on 22nd Jan 2016.

Website created and maintained by gsvirdi.